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Stressed Man

Depression Counselling

Depression Counselling Southport, Gold Coast.


Everyone feels sad or down from time to time but depression is different. Depression may be present, if for two weeks or more, a person has felt sad, down or miserable most of the time or has lost interest or pleasure in usual activities.

Depression Symptoms

It may be a combination of behaviours, feelings, physical symptoms and thoughts. Some of the signs and symptoms of depression include:


  • Feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and irritable or snappy

  • Feeling unhappy, sad, miserable, regretful and guilty

  • Thoughts about being a failure, not good enough and worthless
  • Thoughts about suicide and death or wishing that you weren't here anymore

  • Feeling tired all the time and having sleep problems

  • Regular headaches and muscle pains

  • Loss or change of appetite and loss of interest in sex

  • Significant weight loss or gain

  • Lacking in confidence

  • Not going out socialising and withdrawing from close family and friends

  • Not doing usual enjoyable activities and hobbies


Take charge of your mental wellbeing and take action today. If left untreated depression can disrupt you work, relationship, family, social life and can even lead to serious illness.


Everyday starts with an act of courage and hope:

Getting out of bed.

Depression can be treated!


David is experienced and trained in a number of therapies and proven treatments for depression. These therapy approaches to treat depression, include Schema Therapy, Chairwork, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and brief psychodynamic psychotherapy.  He can also help you with the issues that are causing your depression such as trauma and assist you to get back to a productive and happy life.  He will teach you practical effective tools and strategies that will, with practice, enable you to manage depression.  


Booking an appointment is easy.


Appointments are available Monday to Thursday from 10am to 7:30pm, on Friday from 8:30am to 12:30pm, and on Saturday from 8am to 10am. I am registered to offer Medicare and Private Health Insurance rebates. 

For further information on fees Click Here


You can improve your life.


Make the phone call today to book a counselling appointment or to make an inquiry to improve your life and move towards the life you know that you deserve. Call David now on 0419 738 231

Get in Touch.

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